Increase online grocery sales with coupons, flyers, and loyalty programs

Online grocery marketing that keeps customers coming back

Coupons Flyers and loyalty on the Mercatus platform

Easy to configure and control

Present content rich digital programs and promotions, and showcase products and services that compel customers to buy. Take advantage of Mercatus’ integrated online grocery marketing tools. Customers love to engage with online coupons and digital flyers — provide them with a seamless and consistent experience whether on web, tablet or mobile.

Capture customer intent and launch your own loyalty program

Maintain connection with your customers

  • Capture customer preferences and interests with built-in online accounts
  • Build your loyalty program with integrated connectors to popular CRM solutions
  • Segment your customers and engage them with compelling marketing offers

Grocery eCommerce personalization and loyalty for regional grocers

Website personalization and loyalty are now among the most important success factors for any retailer — and regional grocery retailers are no exception.Let’s take a look at why now is the right time to add them to your business strategy and how you can get started on or enhance your existing programs.

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Jump start your shopper marketing and loyalty programs

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