Integrated Voice of Customer 💬

If you’ve downloaded an app, it’s likely that you took a look at the reviews before you decided to download it. The higher the rating – the more likely you are to download it.

In fact, insights from the 2022 Mobile Customer Engagement Benchmark Report from shows that an increase in a single star from 3 to 4 stars can lead to an 89% increase in app downloads.

At Mercatus, we know how hard grocery retailers work to maintain brand affinity with customers. In an omnichannel world, this is even more critical. We’re excited to provide a brand new VOC feature newly integrated into your customers’ mobile shopping experience.

Let’s take a look at how it works:

  1. After a new user submits their order, they’ll be prompted with a “Love Dialogue” asking them if they love the app.
  2. If the user chooses “Yes,” they will be prompted to leave a rating and a review. Ratings will automatically be linked to the App Store or Google Play Store.
  3. If the user chooses “No,” they will be prompted to fill out a feedback form to provide more details.
Mercatus app Integrated Voice of Customer

With an average 94% engagement rate with the Love Dialogue, the impact on brand reputation and new user downloads is significant. Let’s take a moment to quantify it.

For an average app that gets 100,000 visits per month on the app stores, an improvement from a 3-star to 4-star rating means 45,000 more downloads. With a first-time user conversion rate of 1% and an average basket size of $100, we’re talking about $45,000 additional in top-line revenue.

Amplify the voice of your most loyal fans, resolve negative experiences quickly, and grow your customer base with the Integrated VOC.

Integrated VOC is available today for all Mercatus clients. Ask your Program Manager today for more details.

New to Mercatus? Book a demo with our team to see this feature and our platform in action.